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BCA AGM 2020

BCA AGM 2020

BCA AGM 2020questionnaire

The main theme at this year’s on-line AGM will be the incorporation of the BCA into a company limited by guarantee, as part of the process of becoming a member institution of the BPC, which members voted for in June. We will be explaining more about what this all means at the AGM so do please come and find out about the new format of your BCA. The current executive committee of the BCA will become the board of directors of the new BCA company so we will be electing the directors at this year’s AGM. Becoming a director of the BCA company involves no more time or effort than becoming a member of the old exec committee so please consider standing for election.


We invite full members to stand for various positions on the board, which are described below. If you would like to know more about what becoming a director means, or about any of the roles themselves, please do get in touch ( or


Nominations can be sent in advance or made at the AGM and on-line voting will take place at the AGM. If there are more nominations than vacancies, election will be by ballot (more on this in due course).


The AGM is for members of the BCA only and free to attend.


Members of the committee and sub-committees will be available beyond the 3.00pm end time to answer questions if required.

Notice Posted November 8th November 2020 (and updated November 15th):
In accordance with articles 10.a and 10.b of the constitution, members are advised of the following:
BCA AGM will take place on the 21st November 2020 (online; registration is open)
Timing: 1.30pm to 3.00pm, agenda items to be announced.

The list of nominations is as follows:Chair: Hicham Jabrane

Vice – Chair: Rita Odumosu

Student Liaison Officer: Sarbjit Ruprai

Non specific role/Publicity: Floralba Hague, Tim Reynolds, Dorothy Tigg

Treasurer: Bernard Sharp

Vacant roles with no nominations (3 new committee members required to each take up one or more of these roles):

Secretary (membership)                                                                                           

Networking Secretary                                     

Events Co-ordinator

BCA/BPC liaison officer                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Ethics/Professional standards

Please send your nominations to The list above will be updated regularly. Nominations can take place at the AGM and should nominees exceed vacancies, election shall be by ballot.

More details about mapping existing roles to the constitution are contained in the elections grid below:
Role 2019 -2020 Standing down

from role

(re-election not required)
Candidates standing for election/
re-election for 2020/2021


Kate Jeffs Kate Jeffs Hicham Jabrane Additional responsibilities as required.
Vice – Chair


Mark Davidson

Hicham Jabrane

     Mark Davidson

Hicham Jabrane

Rita Odumosu


Additional responsibilities from vacancy list
Secretary (membership)                                                                                                                           Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy Could be part of paid admin or shared.


Martin Connell Martin Connell Bernard Sharp Not due for re-election but stepping down early.
Networking Secretary Vacancy Vacancy  
Events Co-ordinator Rita Odumosu Rita Odumosu Vacancy
Student Liaison Officer Dorothy Tigg Dorothy Tigg    Sarbjit Ruprai Website additional task.
Social Media/Sustainability Jacey Clark Jacey Clark Tasks incorporated into other roles in constitution
BCA/BPC liaison officer Vacancy BPC membership
Ethics/Professional standards Vacancy BPC membership
Publicity/non specific Floralba Hague Florlba Hague Non specific role as publicity is not on the constitution.
Publicity/non specific Tim Reynolds Tim Reynolds Not due for re-election but election required for Directorship of the new company
Non specific Dorothy Tigg
Website manager Hicham Jabrane Hicham Jabrane Not due for re-election but role incorporated into other constitutional roles as additional task.
3 new members needed to reach the limit of 10 as per constitution. There are 5 vacant roles to choose from. The remaining roles will be picked up by Vice chair or other Directors as additional responsibilities. Secretary/membership, Networking, Events Co-ordinator, BCA/BPC Liaison (BPC membership required). Ethics/Professional standards (BPC membership required)



Bookings are closed for this event.

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