Working with survivors of Domestic Violence – Floralba Hague
Wednesday 20th September 2017
Floralba will talk about her considerable experience of working with survivors of domestic violence. She will discuss the difficulties some women have in mourning, in encountering and accepting the reality of abuse, partly because of ingrained unconscious cultural beliefs (for example in societies which are tolerant of abuse). She will also talk about the challenges that this work presents and about the theoretical framework which she uses to make sense of her work.
About the Speaker
Floralba Hague is a BACP accredited psychodynamic counsellor /psychotherapist with experience of working in the voluntary, private and public sectors. She has a diploma in Therapeutic Counselling ( Mary Ward Centre, 2009) and MSc Psychodynamic Counselling (Birkbeck College, 2011) and is currently in the second year of Child Observation studies at The Tavistock Centre. She is a member of the counselling and Psychotherapy Department at King’s College Hospital, Psychotherapy Service Coordinator at LAWRS (Latin American Women’s Rights Service) offering counselling and psychotherapy to Latin American Women survivors of domestic abuse.