Money Matters: The meaning of money in the therapeutic relationship
Monday 20th October
Money Matters: The meaning of money in the therapeutic relationship
Nikky Sternhell
The financial side of the therapeutic relationship can feel very difficult for both parties, but it has tremendous significance. Clients may resent having to pay for something they feel they have a right to. Therapists may feel uncomfortable about charging for something they feel they ‘should’ be willing to give freely. Money can represent power, commitment, love, value and a host of other things. This presentation will explore our attitudes to money and the significant part it plays in our work. There will be a practical exercise to help us to think about giving and taking money, so bring with you £1 worth of change and be prepared to leave again with more or less than you started with!
About the Speaker
Nikky Sternhell retrained as a counsellor at Birkbeck after a long career in computing. She is currently working for a community-based counselling agency, and has a small private practice.