Growing a Reflective Culture in an organisation that’s busy doing other things
Wednesday 20th June
Growing a Reflective Culture in an organisation that’s busy doing other things
Ros Asquith, Carol Barwick, Gina Campbell-Harris, Honey Hanif Halit and Melanie Light
A group of Birkbeck trained therapists each give a glimpse of the work they did and what they learned from working together as a team in a busy, hard-working London school. Members of the group will each speak briefly, and hope to stimulate discussion.
Ros Asquith graduated from Birkbeck in 2014 and spent two years as a counsellor at the school. She is author illustrator of about 90 books for young people and is currently cartoonist-in-residence at UCLH. She recently illustrated Finding your Way with your Baby, by child psychotherapists Dilys Daws and Alexandria de Rementeria, which won First Prize, Popular Medicine, BMA Medical Book Awards 2016
Carol Barwick introduced counselling to the school, establishing the link with Birkbeck and providing placements for students over the past 15 years. Prior to counselling Carol worked as a teacher, initially in Primary education and later across the age-ranges teaching English and French. She was Lead teacher of a small Pupil Referral Unit for several years. She now works as a Supervisor, both at Montem and in private practice.
Gina Campbell-Harris graduated from the Birkbeck MSc in Psychodynamic Counselling and Psychotherapy in 2014. She currently works as a sessional counsellor at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and in private practice. Over a period of 20 months she was involved in the setting up and implementing of a counselling provision for parents at the school.
Honey Hanif Halit, following her Doctorate in Neuroscience, wanted a different perspective to help her understand children’s emotional development. She joined the school as a Birkbeck trainee and her placement led first to an Honorary then to a part time post there. Recently, she has moved from individual to groupwork, and in the last few months has initiated a regular therapeutic Woodwork programme for troubled children.
Melanie Light originally worked in advertising as a copywriter. She moved into education as a Teaching Assistant, graduated from the Child & Adolescent course in 2013 and now works both 1-2-1 + running Therapeutic Story Groups in three London primary schools. She feels her career path is connected by communication, in all its forms.
Charlotte White is a member of this group but unfortunately unable to be at the Forum.