Journal – Psychodynamic Practice
Some of you may be familiar with the journal ‘Psychodynamic Practice’ which is published by Taylor Francis and originated from an idea within the Association for some kind of forum to develop and promote psychodynamic perspectives in counselling.
The editorial advisory board of the journal is comprised of persons widely drawn from the British and international psychoanalytic world. The journal promotes counselling as a legitimate practice within the range of therapeutic disciplines owing their theoretical orientation to psychoanalysis.
An extract from the Psychodynamic Practice Journal Nov 2016:
Psychodynamic Practice is a journal of counselling, psychotherapy and consultancy and is written for professionals in all fields who use psychodynamic thinking in their work. The journal explores the relevance of psychodynamic ideas to different occupational settings. It emphasizes setting and application as well as theory and technique and focuses on four broad areas:
- Clinical practice
- The understanding of group and organisational processes
- The use of psychodynamic ideas and methods in different occupational settings (for example, education and training, health care, social work, pastoral care, management and consultancy)
- The understanding of social, political and cultural issues
The journal aims to make psychodynamic ideas accessible to a broad audience and is a home for new, as well as experienced, writers.
Each issue contains an editorial, articles, short papers and book reviews. An Open Space section contains short papers which reflect a range of themes, preoccupations and experience, including thoughts inspired by longer articles and the relationship between psychodynamic understanding, culture and the arts.
Psychodynamic Practice promotes high standards of practice, academic excellence and debate. It explores myths and misunderstandings about counselling and related professions. By keeping abreast of current developments in relevant professional fields and within society, Psychodynamic Practice represents the leading edge of thinking in the therapeutic professions.
Journal Subscription
The Journal subscription is offered at a reduced price for BCA members, including students, which is £30 for a year (4 issues) rather than the standard price of £97.